Friday, June 25, 2004

Map of the Americas

The first yellow dot marks the start (South Range, Michigan - USA) and the second yellow dot in Brasil marks the end (Fazenda California, Goias - Brasil).

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Thursday, June 24, 2004


With a backpack and a friend with a backpack, I am leaving in two days from South Range, Michigan, USA to Goias Velho, Goias, Brasil. My goal is to do it all by land or water - no air (foot, auto, train, boat only). Once I get to Brasil, I will teach English and do volunteer work while away.

The plan is to hit North America, Central America, and South America. I expect to travel through the United States (from almost Canadian border), Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and into Brasil. I may hit Belize and some other South American countries. I hope to be in Brasil by Christmas.

I have no itinerary, except the countries listed above. So how will I know where I am going? I will use guide books, maps, and information from other travelers and locals. The actual route will unfold on a daily basis. 

I am creating this travel blog not only to keep family and friends informed of my whereabouts and discoveries, but also to be used in my school system for instructional purposes.  I am a high school teacher in Calumet, Michigan (Calumet High School) who is taking a year's leave of unpaid absence (2004-2005 school year) for this adventure.

The layout will be as follows. I will make weekly postings with a summary of the week's happenings, cities traveled to, etc. Every time I cross an international border, I will try to post a cultural and geographical commentary.

In terms of photos posted, I am going to attempt to limit it to a few per week because I cannot overload the site with too many photos as it will become too slow to manage. However, all photos will be available once I reach Brasil and finalize this site.

I hope you enjoy this trip with me. Please feel free to ask questions if you are curious about a particular entry, country, event, location, etc. - or are just plain curious. See ya in Brasil.

Oh, by the way...Brasil (Portuguese) = Brazil (English).


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